Wednesday 7 December 2016

अपना ख्याल रखना

बेशक आप एक उम्दा माँ होंगी, एक आदर्श पत्नी होंगी, एक आज्ञाकारी बहू होंगी, एक उत्कृष्ट बेटी होंगी और एक बढीया बहन होंगी लेकिन क्या आप स्वयं के लिए भी उतनी ही अच्छी हैं ? क्या कभी अपने लिए,अपने आत्मसम्मान के लिए, अपनी पसंद नापसंद के बारे में,अपने सपनों के बारे में सोचा है आपने ?

यदि आपने उप्रोक्त बताए गये सारे गुण हैं तो यकिनन आपका जवाब "ना" होगा क्योंकि हम भारतीय महिलाएं शायद इन्ही गुणो के लिए पसंद की जाती हैं | देखिए, ये अच्छी बात है कि हम भारतीय हैं और एक संस्कारित परिवार से नाता रखते हैं, इसके बावजूद भी हम अपनी इच्छाओं का अपने आत्मसम्मान का ख्याल तो रख ही सकतीं हैं | हम बिना किसी की अनुमति लिये अपने सपनो को पूरा करने के लिए कदम उठा सकतीं हैं | हम बगैर किसी दबाव के अपने निर्णय खुद ले सकतीं हैं | हम अपनी ज़िंदगी अपने तरिके से जी सकती हैं सिर्फ हमे अपना ख्याल रखने की आवश्यकता होगी |

" सभ्य माहिलाएं कभी कभी ही इतिहास  बना पाती हैं " - एलेन्वोर रूसेवेल्ट

रूसेवेल्ट के इन शब्दों को पढने के बाद ऐसा लगा जैसे दिल में कुछ जकडा हुआ था| मन बहुत उदास हो गया ऐसा एहसास हुआ जैसे मैं मूल्यहीन हूँ | मैने बहुत प्रयत्न किये अपना अस्तित्व खोजने के परंतु हर बार उस महिला को खडे पाया जो उप्रोक्त गुणो को अपने ऊपर लपेट कर खडी थी | पर मैं खुद को नहीं ढूँढ पाई |
वो दिन मेरे जीवन का सबसे खराब दिन था क्योंकि उस दिन मुझे अपनी कीमत पता लगी थी | लेकिन मैने भी ठान लिया था की बाकी बची ज़िंदगी को ऐसे व्यर्थ नहीं जाने दे सकती; तभी एक विचार आया कि क्यों ना पहले अपने आप को जाना जाए| इसके लिए मैने डायरी में अपनी पसंद नापसंद, सपने, उम्मीदें, और भी वो सबकुछ लिखा जो मैं चाहती थी | साथ ही, उन सब लिखी गई बातों का अनुसरण भी किया और मैने पाया की पहले की अपेक्षा मेरी ज़िंदगी बिल्कुल बदल चुकी है और बेहतर हो गयी है |

प्रिय महिला मित्रों, 
हम यहाँ छोटी मोटी पसंद नापसंद जैसे पसंदिदा फ़िल्म, पकवान, रंग आदि की बात नहीं कर रहे हैं; हम बडे मुद्दे पर बात कर रहे हैं जो आपके आत्मसम्मान एवं अधिकार से जुडा है | कोशिश किजिये अपने शौक, प्रतिभा ,कमज़ोरी , क्षमताओं आदि को अपने अंदर से बाहर निकालने की जिससे आपका भी मन हल्का होगा | एक कहावत है : जो व्यक्ति दूसरो को खुश करने में लगा रहता है वो सहन भी ज़्यादा करता है | इसका ये अर्थ कदाचित नही है कि दूसरो की परवाह ना करें, बेशक किजिये लेकिन इसके लिए अपना मूल्य कम ना होने दें |

ऐसे में अपने दिल की सुनना बिल्कुल सही है क्योंकि जब तक आप खुद का ख्याल नहीं रखेंगी तब तक कोई नहीं रख सकता इसलिए आज से खुद को सबसे ऊपर रखिए और ज़िंदगी को बेहतर बनाईए |

Monday 5 December 2016

Scary House or Play House

PLAY SCHOOLS sounds like a scary word, specially when we heard about recent news. However, this is a new trend to send toddlers to play school where they can learn by fun. Toddlers sent to these play schools from the age of 12 months as he/she has started to lipsing couple of words. There are two reasons behind obtaining this new trend :
        First, some parents really want their child to learn skills such as sharing, sitting, talking, playing,music etc with other children before they joins Nursery.
Second, Timing issues. Yes… Being job oriented parents may not give proper attention their kids. So they opt to send their kids to play school.
        However it is such a good concept for pre nursery kids. Here around 15-20 (max) kids spends a few hours each day under the supervision of a couple of teachers. They provides meal & toys as well. Everything is absolutely okay about this new trend but let me tell you one most essential aspect about play school.


        Are you aware of Assaults with play school’s kids ?
Yes, I am talking about a recent occurance of an assaulting incident with a 10 months baby in her day care centre in Khargar, Mumbai. She was beaten up & kicked at a creche by her caretaker. This incident goes caught in a CCTV footage and the owner of that play school has been arrested. But this is not done, still that 10 months old and her parents are facing mental trauma. The same incident has been occured last few months ago. From now onwards, parents are nervous to send their child to any play school.  
       Sometimes it is become an obligation for working parents to opt play school concept. However still there are so many play schools exist in India’s every city where our child get well behaved culture but they says “Once bitten twice shy”. So here are some words of caution while choosing playschool for your kids:

Check that the person running theplay school is qualified and trained in the field of child development. An unskilled person will not be aware of the developmental stages of a child. Different skills develop at different times. An untrained person will not know what to expect from a child at a certain age and may attempt to push the child beyond what he or she is capable of. This could have an adverse effect on the development of the child.

Try to find some playschools near by your residence or office.

When you have your short list, schedule visits to the schools that made the cut. You’ll need to meet the preschool directors in person and observe the teachers with the children. They are the ones your child will interact with most, so it’s important that you find warm people with lots of experience caring for preschoolers.

You also might ask the school for the names of some parents you could speak to — a staff that’s proud of their school’s success will be happy to connect you with fellow parents.

Next, bring your child along for a visit. See how she responds to the school and the teachers. Do they seem interested in getting to know her? Are the activities ones she’ll enjoy? By watching how she reacts you’ll have a better idea whether a preschool is a good fit.

With the rest of the parameters, you will have to juggle them around, compensating one for the other until you finally decide on the preschool that will give your child a wonderful and happy introduction to education.

Stay blessed.. Stay happy

Saturday 2 April 2016

I chose happiness over hurt

People speak only when, they are on the side of audience, they become unspoken when they face any circumstance themselves. This is because of their conservative thinking. We have many live examples surrounding us everyday. Even I have been faced this situation when some of my relative's conservative thinkings made me wonder!! 
    No one is uncontacted with problems in their lives. I've so many problems, but I decided to choose happiness over getting hurt. They says, you can make them happy when you will be happy. I chose to moving on and moving on does not means forgetting it means choosing to be happy rather than being sad. 
      Atleast for those who cares for you. :)

Sunday 17 May 2015

The Coffee Beans

It was a bright hot day in April, and the clocks were striking twelve pm. Hridya, a young school going girl was sitting in balcony and keep thinking like a matured writer. She was appearing very upset and hopeless because her assignment was incomplete due to her fractured hand and the deadline is going to be strike. Her mother came to her and asks her: what happened baby? Why are you upset? Is there any problem? Hridya has tears in her eyes and told her mother about her assignment and how things were so hard. She said, I don`t know, how to face it or to give up.
It seemed that, as one problem was solved a new one arose. Her mother said to her: Owww dear! Don`t get stressed. Come with me, I will show you something very interesting. She took her to the kitchen and said: Dear, give me those three pots (she points toward that pots which were put on the shelf). Hridya brought that pots and gave them to her mother. She filled three pots with some water and placed them on a high flame at the cook top. Very soon the water came to a boil; she placed three items in each of these pots. In first pot, she placed carrots, in second pot she placed some eggs and in the third pot she placed some coffee beans.
After sometime, she asked to her daughter: Tell me dear, what do you see?
Hridya was surprised that what her mother wants to do!!
Her mother asked again, tell me dear, what do you see?
Hridya replied, you placed three pots on high fire then placed carrots, eggs and coffee beans into each of them. But why mamma? I am not getting, what do you want to do?
Her mother said, relax… you will get to know very soon.. now tell me, what do you feel ? Hridya replied, carrots became soft. Then she asked about eggs, hridya said: the egg`s shells are now pulled off. Right, and what about the third pot`s item?  Hridya replied, mamma the beans of coffee which you placed into this pot are mixed up with the water and it`s aroma is very rich.
Her mother smiled, looking her mother is smiling, hridya`s curiosity is now out of control. She eagerly asked to her mother; mamma what happened to you?  Then she explained to her daughter that all these objects faced the same trouble (boiling on high flame) but each of them reacted differently.
The carrots were strong and hard but now they became soft and weak.
The eggs had been fragile but now its inside became hardened.
The coffee beans were unique but now they mixed-up into the water.
Which are you? The mother asked to her daughter. Hridya said: AM I A CARROT? But it became soft and changed its stronger body into weak body. Nope, I AM AN EGG, but they lost their upper shells which were protecting them. I AM A COFFEE BEAN, Yes! I am a coffee bean which dissolves itself in to boiled water and releases its fragrance and flavor.
Her mother said, yes my dear! You should be alike coffee beans because they didn`t change their nature after boiling in fact they increased their smells and taste. So don`t be worry about your problem, try to face it because until you face the problem you cannot solve it. They says: “ALL PROBLEMS BECOME SMALLER IF YOU DON`T DODGE THEM BUT CONFRONT THEM.”

Thursday 14 May 2015

Satisfaction and Expectations

Our expectations are increasing by the time. Today we are sad for what we don`t have rather than be happy for what we have ! No one is not satisfied with his/her life and this is the law of nature ! 
       Friends , Today I want to share a story with you all.........
             There was a crow, who were very sad with his black colour. Suddenlly, his eyes falls on the white swan , he went to that swan and ask : you are so beautiful , your colour is white. So, then you are the world's most happy bird ! The swan replied in melancholy tone : I am very glad to say that , whenever I feel sad I am to see the parrot , because it have two colours !
          Now the Crow went to the parrot and asks: you have two colors means the most beautiful and happiest birds in the world are you ? The parrot speaks, I wish I had to be the  happy bird but the peacock is more happier than me because he have so many colors in it ! The crow sees the peacock in a beautiful cage and a lot of people standing around the cage watching him ! Crow asks the same question to the peocock, then he replied : I am very happy that I'm the most beautiful bird in the world, but you are the happiest bird in the whole world cage because you are free from any incarceration, you can go where you want to go . 
         After hearing Peacock`s words the crow realized that all by itself is unique and happiness are not always what they appear, we must be satisfied by thinking that something is better than nothing !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday 12 May 2015

Simply Everything!!!!

I think one of the saddest thing is when two people get to know each other ; their secrets, their fears, their interests, their likes- dislikes, what they love, what they hate, their friends and family, their ambitions, their dreams simply everything, and then they go back to being strangers to each other suddenly.
 It seems you have to walk past them and pretend like you never knew them, Never even talked to them before. When really, you know everything about them. Really very strange... but experiencing....
You know, what are the reason behind this kind of situations..
Let me tell you , we all have some the best and the worst qualities that is "EGO", the another one is "ATTITUDE" and the last but not the least is our "CONSERVATIVE THINKING".        EGO is just like a dust in the eyes, without cleaning the dust you can not see anything clear. When you allow your ego to control your thoughts, everything you believe becomes an illusion, so leave ego otherwise everyone will leave you.
  ATTITUDE can be of two types positive and negative attitudes, Its up to you which attitude you will prefer to understand something. 
  CONSERVATIVE THINKING is not about leaving people behind, it should be like to walk along with our ethics, belief and values.
So friends think before doing something and saying something with your love ones.

Saturday 9 May 2015

Experiences VS Emotions

As we all know that experience and emotions both are different things but both of these are important in our lives. Emotions are linked with our hearts whereas the experiences are linked with our mind. At times it happens when the experience to meet our heart and our mind becomes emotional. For example : If you love someone, you also will take care of him but if he'll  not take care of yours you will get an experience that you should not take care of him...., so you'll be alert to the next time.  It is very often life experience ,, now take this experience as you learn depends on the kind of pain.